Backup Services
Having a reliable backup is very important when it comes to working with data in computing environments. The typical user’s most precious commodity when it comes to computing is his data. One simply cannot afford to lose it. In order for the user to have reliable backup it needs to be in multiple locations such as the cloud in addition to on premise. The backup program must perform automatic scheduled backups, that are incremental and a successful backup message should appear periodically on the desktop. If you don’t have this your backup may not be doing the job you need it to do. We can accomplish those tasks for as little as $50 a year per workstation.
System Monitoring
Monitoring for micro and small business is as simple as a quick access and review of the systems once a quarter, six months or a year depending on the need, size and budget. This timed review is included with our maintenance packages. Additional monitoring can also be performed live online on a continual basis if you have a business that is mission critical to never go down 24/7. This is a separate package in itself.
Break-fix service
When there is a problem with the system of an existing customer who has a contract with us, it is usually much simpler and quicker to fix it than being called in to an unknown. (That said we have gained quite a number of long term clients who originally came to us with a problem their provider couldn’t resolve) Customers that are on a contract with us will get a considerable discount on the hourly rate in addition to priority service.
The messaging/email services we offer is Office 365 by Microsoft. This is the State of the art service that is extremely reliable and very reasonably priced for what is being offered. It has one of the most powerful security and protection features build in, it offers 50 GB of email storage per user and it utilizes “Active Sync” technology to fully synchronize across devices. It is by far the most desirable service offering available. TruBambu is a Microsoft Partner. This gives us many available resources for helping our clients.
The web
Typically micro or small business needs to have some type of web presence. TruBambu offers a package that provides a very reasonably priced website design and hosting. We use the State of the Art platform which is Word Press. This Platform allows the client to easily make changes to images and copy and control their own site. A money and time saver, we help you get familiar with using it.
Part of Microsoft Office 365 service offering includes the conferencing and presentation application (Skype for Business). The basic service is very reasonably priced. It includes screen presentation, chatting, video and voice. All those features can be available for multiple participants.
Reliable and secure data and file sharing:
As a small business owner there will be times that you will have to share your data with business associates. This capability is available as part of Office 365 suite (One Drive) and is very easy to use.
Data sharing
As a small business owner there will be times that you will have to share your data with business associates. This capability is available as part of Office 365 suite (One Drive) and is very easy to use.
On premise security
Trubambu offers simple inexpensive solutions to keeping your workstations secure locally and management of your passwords.
Internet security
This is a very broad and important subject but Trubambu can accomplished it relatively simply. A reliable anti threat application should be installed and monitored on the workstation. It is important that the type of anti-threat application is chosen for the specific environment/environments you have. Most importantly the computer user has to be informed regarding dos and don’ts while working with the computer. This includes exactly how to create your passwords.
When it comes to software the most basic and elementary applications are word processing, spreadsheet creation and accounting. Industry standard for those applications are QuickBooks™ by Intuit and Microsoft Productivity Suite©. In other words just about every small business user should have those applications. Although there are thousands of industry specific software applications out there, these basics are still needed and used on a daily basis. Our focus is on QuickBooks™ and Microsoft Productivity Suite©. We are fully accredited to provide services and support for those applications.
In addition to servicing these applications we train you and your employees to become skilled users. The personal computing field is one of the most dynamic and fast moving industries. We fully keep up with the trends and changes so that we always have the answers to the questions we are asked and are able to orient the users to new or older computing environments.
On a given street address there are only a couple of Internet service providers available for location, but there are many ways to connect to that service, and typically the service is available in several options. Depending on the type of business you are running it is important to choose the right one. This will determine the stability of your connectivity. It is also important to utilize the right router / Firewall as the gateway. If you are having stability problems with your internet connection this could be the reason why and the reason you need us to help make the right choices.
Local Area networking
Usually small businesses are networked with multiple workstations and various IT appliances. We are networking professionals that have over fifteen years of experience. We are skilled in routing, switching, public network requirements, bandwidth and much more. When the need arises for those services we are there for you.
Hosting services
Our hosting services are available through major providers. As service providers for those companies we are able to offer the same rates or better than going direct because we are volume partners with them. In addition you get the benefit of added personal attention, expert service and advice.
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