Homebased business
maintenance package starts at
$189/Year, each workstation
- Automatic cloud and local backup with 2 GB storage, Windows Defender or Symantec Endpoint Security, remote license, yearly review of workstation.
Sole Proprietor
maintenance package starts at
$249/Year, each workstation
- Automatic cloud and local backup with 4 GB storage, Windows Defender or Symantec Endpoint Security, remote license, six month review of workstation.
Small Business
maintenance package starts at
$369/Year, each workstation
- Automatic cloud and local backup, 4 GB storage, Security, backup monitoring, remote license, quarterly review of workstation.
Small Business
Web Hosting starts at
- Fast and reliable, up time guaranty, 100 GB storage, unlimited bandwidth.
Small Business
Email Services
- State of the Art Microsoft Exchange © Email Service, 99% up time, State of The Art Microsoft © security
Small Business
Office suite starts at
- State of the Art Microsoft © Office Suite, 1 Terabyte cloud storage and upgrade assurance
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If you purchased your computer a couple of years ago and it is getting very slow read on …
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